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Leon Edward Wilkosz and Martha Ann Wilkosz

Leon Ed­ward Wilkosz, age 82, and Martha Ann Wilkosz (Bur­rows), age 77, passed away on May 15, 2022, at their home in Mayville. They left this world as soul mates, en­joy­ing the out­doors in a place they loved and shared to­gether.
Leon Ed­ward Wilkosz was born Feb­ru­ary 20, 1940, in Lib­erty.
Leon is sur­vived by his four chil­dren, Leon (Lori) Wilkosz, Lenny (Mary) Wilkosz, Lon (Jodi) Wilkosz and Richard (Chris) Wilkosz; grand­chil­dren, Lexi (Jor­dan) Nadeau, Kelsey (Ben­jamin) LaVaque, Melissa Wilkosz, Kyle (Ger­a­lyn) Wilkosz, Richard Wilkosz and Emma Wilkosz; great-grand­chil­dren, Arya LaVaque, Abram Wilkosz and Oliver LaVaque.
Martha Ann Wilkosz was born July 30, 1944, in Wausau.
Martha is sur­vived by her sis­ter, Lucene (Bill) Udu­lutch; and her two nephews, Mark (Heather) and John (Tara) Gun­der­son.
Leon was an ac­com­plished man­u­fac­tur­ing su­per­vi­sor most of his ca­reer and he and Martha, who worked in the of­fice, met while work­ing at Green­heck in Wausau. They built their home in Mayville, where they en­joyed work­ing in the area and even­tu­ally re­tir­ing.
They en­joyed a quiet life in Mayville over­look­ing the river. They loved to cook, travel, gar­den, and watch all the va­ri­ety of birds they fed. They spent every wak­ing mo­ment near each other and left this life to­gether.
A pri­vate fam­ily fu­neral will be held in Mayville in June.
