26 July 2023




Fair Fare for Fair

Fair Fare for Fair

| ENJOY EVERY SANDWICH | Fair Fare for Fair MITCHELL BRADLEY KELLER EDITOR The English language is strange sometimes. Sitting down to write this observatory column on our great regional county fairs, I wanted to find a fun title for a piece recognizing the value these annual events offer. It’s not quite, “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo,” but


Piggyback/Human Books

Piggyback/Human Books

| IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU | Piggyback/Human Books JAMIE LYNN GOURLIE CONTRIBUTOR Dearest You, Can you imagine if the negative impact of society wasn’t present? On the flip side of my most recent article titled “Human Books”, I felt compelled to share input on the perspective of the receiving side. I find the concept of judgment, noseyness and unsolicited advice interesting.




| RURAL WRITES | G.A. SCHEINOHA CONTRIBUTOR Is any occasion more splendid to make memories than right now, in the present moment? Midsummer, when the temperature is near perfect. Perhaps too warm for some but not folks who relish the opportunity to do more, simply BE outdoors. The prospect of interaction with nature brings a peculiar transcendental joy. The farmers are green chopping




When Eden Saved Ray Ryan’s Barn

When Eden Saved Ray Ryan’s Barn

When Eden Saved Ray Ryan’s Barn KARL MCCARTY CONTRIBUTOR It stemmed from the question: Who were Ray Ryan’s (1923-1966) friends? The auctioneers Jim and Pat O’Brien. Gordon and Leona Hass. Alex Koffman. This was the response that came from Joan (Ryan) Wettstein, remembering her dad’s go-to people in the mid-1900s. “We’d get back and forth with Tom Flood. For Christmas, you would




Community CALENDAR TO BE INCLUDED IN THE COMMUNITY CALENDAR, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR EVENT PRIOR TO OUR 2 P.M. MONDAY DEADLINE. 920.533.8338 • THECAMPBELLSPORTNEWS.COM • KSTATESMAN.COM (We welcome submissions to the Community Calendar by emailing Mitchell B. Keller, editor, at mitchell.keller@mmclocal.com . Deadline for each Thursday edition, with the exception for holidays, is on Monday at


Library Events

Library Events

Library Events Activities at the Campbellsport Public Library 220 North Helena St. P.O. Box 405 www.campbellsportlibrary.org 920-533-8534 Greetings from the Campbellsport Public Library! The Campbellsport Public library is accepting donations of gently used books, magazines, and DVDs for our annual Book Sale. The book sale will be held August 14-25, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. We will be continuing