18 October 2023




AN Outdoorsman’s JOURNAL Keep the Kids Hunting MARK WALTERS COLUMNIST I spent this past weekend with 11-year-old Conner Thiede and his 13-year-old sister Carsyn at their deer camp near Burnett while participating in Wisconsin’s Youth Deer Hunt. Kyle Zuelsdorf, a good friend of the family, was mentoring Carsyn, and I was helping Conner (both from Mayville). Last October, I




11 October 2023


Welk Band Crashes on Katzenburg

Welk Band Crashes on Katzenburg

Welk Band Crashes on Katzenburg KARL MCCARTY CONTRIBUTOR More than 80 years ago north of St. Kilian, a vehicle associated with Lawrence Welk’s band crashed. The accident occurred near the corner of where Katzenburg Drive and Highway W meet. This was big news in the old days of dance halls and big bands, and one of the top five “famous” people or events ever associated with St. Kilian,


Meager Harvest

Meager Harvest

| ENJOY EVERY SANDWICH | Meager Harvest MITCHELL BRADLEY KELLER EDITOR Last year, I got to spend my first full summer with the lawn on my recently purchased home. A new luxury for me, I dove headfirst into gardening, particularly vegetables, and the process was productive and seemingly pretty easy. I had cherry tomatoes by the pound, as the plants vined all up and down a 90-foot



Daffodils with a Difference

Daffodils with a Difference

Daffodils with a Difference MELINDA MYERS CONTRIBUTOR There are so many reasons to love daffodils. These spring-blooming bulbs aren’t fussy about where they are planted. They come back to bloom again year after year and are not bothered by deer, rabbits, or other garden pests. But there’s also a whole world of beautiful daffodils beyond the classic yellow ones. Daffodils are available




| RURAL WRITES | G.A. SCHEINOHA CONTRIBUTOR The species has gotten a bad rap. Perhaps ill repute began with the Bible. Jesus refers to disciples as sheep. He is the Good Shepherd, who laid down His life for them. Skip to the end of time in eschatology (the study of mankind’s run towards Judgement Day) when the evil are called goats. Could this be from whence the term scapegoat sprang?
