09 August 2023


Back Country Getaway

Back Country Getaway

Back Country Getaway MARK WALTERS COLUMNIST I had two very interesting experiences last week, one was bad, the other was very good. First the bad: I got an infection in my left thumb that spread to my hand and arm and, by the time it was diagnosed, I could feel it in my chest and I had a brain fog. That worked out with good doctoring and meds but was a very close call. I ended the
02 August 2023


Next Music In The Park:  Kewaskum Big Band, Playing Aug. 8

Next Music In The Park: Kewaskum Big Band, Playing Aug. 8

| KEWASKUM’S MUSIC IN THE PARK | Next Music In The Park: Kewaskum Big Band, Playing Aug. 8 The Music In The Park free music series continues with hometown favorites the Kewaskum Big Band performing at River Hill Park in Kewaskum this coming Tuesday, Aug. 8, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The group was originally formed in April 2008 by former Kewaskum High School Band Director Larry Ammel and local







Community CALENDAR TO BE INCLUDED IN THE COMMUNITY CALENDAR, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR EVENT PRIOR TO OUR 2 P.M. MONDAY DEADLINE. 920.533.8338 • THECAMPBELLSPORTNEWS.COM • KSTATESMAN.COM (We welcome submissions to the Community Calendar by emailing Mitchell B. Keller, editor, at mitchell.keller@mmclocal.com . Deadline for each Thursday edition, with the exception for holidays, is on Monday at




PIPESTONE from page 1 the 1800s, these quarries sites were threatened. But Yankton Sioux Chief Struck By The Ree had the wisdom to refuse to move his people unless given access to the quarries. This led to the access to the quarries given to Native Americans today, but only to those who are members of a federally recognized tribe and have gone through the permit process. Pipeston National


Lizzie’s Depression Lessons

Lizzie’s Depression Lessons

Lizzie’s Depression Lessons KARL MCCARTY CONTRIBUTOR In August of 2021, the Legend of Hank O’Toole was published. The story covered a transient Irishman who helped the farmers in the Eden and Empire area at mid-century. After combing through old interviews, and processing new ones, there are additional stories which should be shared when studying the roaming populations of the area in



Why Pipestone?

Why Pipestone?

| WHAT WAS LOST | Why Pipestone? KARL MCCARTY CONTRIBUTOR Somewhere off the monotonous drive of I-90 is a special place where Native Americans quarry the rock that defines the landscape once covered with buffalo. Pipestone, Minn., is not just about getting away, it is about understanding what is here. Basic Selling Points From a planning and budget standpoint, the trip is about as